Sunday 16 January 2011

Missing Nintendo D.S. Games

A small favour!

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Just a short note and a small favour, on the last day of term before Christmas Year 3 had a toy day and many children brought in their Nintendo DS’, 2 of my pupils lost games on that day, one being Cooking Mama 3 and the other being Super Mario Bros. I think what has happened is that when we have being tidying up (as it was crazy that day!) they have been put away, accidently, with another person/s games. I asked the children if they would look to see if they had any games that weren’t theirs but I have had no response, so I thought if I made parents aware of the situation they could look through any DS games their child may have brought on that toy day to see if they have them. I must stress I DO NOT think these games have been “taken” I really do believe it is all accidental, but as I’m sure you’re aware computer games are expensive so I would be grateful, as would the children and parents of the missing games, if you could just have a quick look and if you find one or both return them.

Thank you,

Miss Green

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