Tuesday 24 April 2012

New Learning Log Target (18/4/12)

Learning Target

To show me what you have learnt in Maths last term.

Think about everything you know about Maths.

What could you do?
- Write what times tables you know
- Draw what 2D and 3D shapes you know
- Show what fractions you know
- Think about odd and even numbers
- Show what clock times you know
- Draw lines of symmetry on letters or shapes
- Show how you can measure lines accurately
- Draw bar charts, pictograms or tables
- Show your knowledge of addition and subtraction
- Anything else you want to show
- Try to include different things to what you did in the Autumn term.

To be handed in by Wednesday 2nd May


  1. i like maths

  2. i like doing my learning log

    from ayisha

  3. i have nearly finished all my pages in my learning log
